Be sure to add the domain to your safe senders list. In almost every case, this is the problem, as our communications have crept into your spam or junk mail folders.
Also note that your account is created with the email address you used during the checkout process, so submitting a 'lost password' request from the login page is a quick way to get access to your account area.
If you are still having issues, please just give us a call. Our support staff is available 7 days a week from 8 AM to 8 PM CST. Or use 'Submit A Request' link at the top of this page to expedite your request with our support staff.
In other cases you most likely entered your email address wrong. If you did not receive an initial receipt email immediately after placing your order, then this is probably the case. As above, just give us a call Toll Free, or submit a support ticket.
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